😇What's Your Good Vs. Bad Personality Score?😈

Curious if you lean more toward the good side or the bad side? Take this fun quiz to discover your personality balance! Are you the hero, the rebel, or somewhere in between? Find out now and see how your good-to-bad ratio measures up!

1. You find a lost phone. What do you do?

Keep it yourself for use
Look through it and leave
Try to contact the owner
Turn it in

2. You see someone alone at a party. What do you do?

Ignore them
Wait for others to step in
Talk to them
Introduce them to everyone

3. You're given too much change at a store. You will:

Keep it
Return some
Return all of it
Donate it

4. How do you handle a friend's success?

Feel jealous
Pretend to be happy, gossip later
Congratulate them
Celebrate with them

5. You're late for an important meeting. You will:

Blame someone else
Make an excuse
Arrive early next time

6. You have the chance to cheat on a test. What do you do?

Think about it, then don't
Almost do it, but stop
Refuse to cheat

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